Dear reader
Mr Him has posted his version of The Gift on his Facebook.
I note below that he mentions 'words of wisdom ' and his 'reprieve.' And what a reprieve not just a pedicure but a zen pedicure! Now if you excuse me I'll just go and cancel that back wax I'd booked for his birthday next week.
Here is his post.
My little lady's birthday began with hope of scoring serious "Brownie Points". My present to her (in my opinion) was awesome. I had bought her a "whatever" voucher for the local health and beauty spa. I also had the temerity to buy her a "specific" voucher! :-( When I distributed my gift to her, the initial feedback was promising. She had seen the £50 voucher to put towards whatever she wanted. :) Then she saw the "specific" voucher. It was for a "full facial threading". Before all of you ladies out there start being indignant on Anna Mutton years behalf, I would like to state that it was my aim to assist her on her mission towards perfection (and she's not far off)!!! I most definitely was NOT expecting the shrill indignation with which that voucher was received!!!! However, I listened to the verbal tirade (as painful as it was), because words of wisdom (and my ultimate reprieve) were contained therein. I believe that I have redeemed myself by exchanging that voucher (today) for a Zen Spa pedicure (at additional cost)....!!! I sincerely hope that I won't end up wearing my testicles as earrings later this week.....!!!!!!!!!!!! :