Anna, a middle age woman in England with a self-deprecating look at life, mostly. I am not one thing, I am many and so is my blog. It's a lucky dip when you read me. I am part cook, part struggling fashion forward thinker, part mother, part professional job holder, part chicken keeper, part shopper. I am not an expert on anything other than me and I'm a 'bitsa'. So is my blog, bitsa' this, bitsa' that. I'd love to have your comments on my bitsa' life. Please follow and share my story.
The One including 'Elephant's Child' Meme - well I had a go
NZ Salts, Turkish Towels and a Country Fair
Last Saturday I took myself out to enjoy field and farm daylife. The Young on line shopping genius did think of coming along but sent a text to say 'I don't think I'm going to pay £18 to get into a field. I'll meet you for coffee later but until then I'll go walk around a different field.....for free.'
These spices are available from
A Party Game for Horrible People
Last Friday night dear reader, we had friends over for the evening. It was balmy, very balmy and Mr Him was surrounded by the 3 A's. Anna, Antony and Andy. He didn't let that spoil his fun and told us to call him a Adipstick for the night, along the lines of 'I'm A dipstick,' when he forgot to pour himself a drink. We obliged.

Old by the BBQ
Saturday last saw us experience a first and at the same time I met Old. We were introduced, Old and I, by being invited and attending my daughter's accommodation for food. It was in the form of a bbq. Such an invitation wrapped me in Old.
The young men then made themselve useful staring at a bag of charcoal.
We ate, we drank, we hudddled Old by the fire and then we walked home trying to exert youth and hoping we could lose Old on the way.
Pictorial Ramble
Dear Reader, I promised you a photographic blog today. I will not be spoiling your trip with words, instead I will introduce you to what you will see. Ahead of you is a pictorial view of our walk last Sunday. This is a spot near us in Sussex. Look out for the Victorian architecture of the viaduct and far distant view through the many arches. Glance upon the gentleman talking to Mr Him about his (the gentleman's) ancient yet modern photographic equipment. Spot the romantic couple, the epitome of England, as they find a peaceful spot for a picnic. All of these things we were lucky to happen upon by chance as we explored our local countryside.
Now join us on our circular ramble then meet me in the garden for a cider.
Save the blog date
Dear reader, my next blog will be a pictorial vision dedicated to countryside lubbers.
Save the blog date in your diary. It will be tomorrow. Probably. Might be the next day, if I'm tired.
Mascara and the Corporate Jet
Mr Him adops a Racing pigeon and Miss 26 looks for an Apartment in the year that never was
How are you all? I thought I would catch up by sharing a series of vlogs that I made during the year that never was. Here is one from the ...

Last week Mr Him had plans, inadquate plans but plans none the less. Once I found out his plans I completed them for him, I made them well...
Dear reader, December has been hectic and we're only in the first week. Last week the One Team Thunderbird had her 21st birthday. ...
Dear reader, a few of you were 'confused ' over dogs being allowed in pubs in the UK. They can be but it's at the discretion ...