How I made Rhubarb Gin and Mr Him does a BBQ
See he's still being sensible. Maybe I should pour the gin down him! No. That would be a waste.
Anna, a middle age woman in England with a self-deprecating look at life, mostly. I am not one thing, I am many and so is my blog. It's a lucky dip when you read me. I am part cook, part struggling fashion forward thinker, part mother, part professional job holder, part chicken keeper, part shopper. I am not an expert on anything other than me and I'm a 'bitsa'. So is my blog, bitsa' this, bitsa' that. I'd love to have your comments on my bitsa' life. Please follow and share my story.
How are you all? I thought I would catch up by sharing a series of vlogs that I made during the year that never was. Here is one from the ...