Figgy Pudding or Not

Dear reader ,  on Friday I donned my Christmas jumper and headed to the festive lights of the pub .

Here I had chicken pie and veg,  wine,  

cointreau  and whiskey.  I had a fine time.  However all that aside the real piece d'resistance was the Figgy Pudding .

I actually had always thought that was another name for Christmas pudding.  My colleagues were also surprised having been under the same illusion as I.  In fact none of us had seen Figgy Pudding on a menu before.  We bulk ordered. Figgy pudding times 6, please .  

Looking on Wikipedia here, figgy pudding is mentioned as another name for Christmas Pudding!  That aside, this pudding was quite different and lighter. There were definite figs inside.  There are plenty of recipes online.  I won't link a particular one here.  

Figgy Pudding and salted caramel ice cream

We were at The Castle in Angel.  The food and service were fabulous. Do go if you are in the area, and try that Figgy Pudding (on the Xmas menu.)


  1. On my that Figgy pudding looks delicious,and would love to the Castle, but just a tad too far to go for dinner.

  2. Bring us some figgy pudding, bring us some figgy pudding... now I have the carol in my head. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that the term "pudding" means anything other than soft, spoonable actual pudding. We would call what you have pictured cake. Anyway, it looks good and that salted caramel ice cream would be yummy as well! -Jenn

  3. Live and learn.
    I have never had figgy pudding, and it seems it is yet another misapprehension which is weighing me down.

  4. It looks delicious, one of our favourite puddings.

  5. This dessert really gets everyone in the spirit!

  6. Well, bring some of that figgy pudding down here to Guernsey please! I'd thought it was the original name for the pudding too. Shows that we shouldn't put our trust in songs. Toothbrushes don't talk to each, it doesn't rain men (just cats and dogs) and mummy didn't kiss Santa Claus :-(.

  7. I'm going to have to look that one up... My dad used to make some kind of (he called it pudding but it looked like cake) plum pudding that he put (I think) rum on it and set it on fire... just a quick blue flame... before serving. Is your figgy pudding set afire before eating?
