Things that Shouldn't Be

Or perhaps should be.  

For instance, starting a sentence with 'and'.  An And at the beginning would work so more naturally then any other word very often.  Having a full stop before 'and' adds the emphasis to the 'and'  that as a writer you sometimes want (well, I do.)  On Friday I was reading a text book on giving presentations that my Nat Nav got out of the library.  The author used And at the start of sentences.  We need to make this a  'thing.'

On strike Friday last week I caught this train to work.  It was a Southern train.  It shouldn't have been running but was.  It was empty.  This is a 'thing' that should be.  Southern trains empty and running.

Monday last week we were summoned, yes summoned, to a staff meeting.  I went down to grab my seat and found this waiting for me.

This should be a 'thing'.  Alcohol in staff meetings.  Who's with me?


  1. Now that is a wonderful was to have a staff meeting.

  2. It must be the holiday season!

  3. I NEEDED alcohol (and didn't get it) to get through some staff meetings.

  4. Crikey .... My Mum's with you Anna. She's thrown all her old beliefs and her grammar out the window. She just says 'there comes a time' and she does pretty much as she pleases these days. AND she starts lots of sentences with and.

    1. Didn't that And get the emphasis across. Perfect use of and at the beginning of a sentence. Keep it up. We need that tool as writers.

  5. Hi Anna. You left a comment on my blog, so I've come over to yours to "check you out". I think I am going to enjoy reading your posts! I like your style! And alcohol at a staff meeting would make it significantly more tolerable! -Jenn

  6. And it looks like champagne.... wooooHoooo!

  7. One sucks one's teeth. What? 'And' at the start of a sentence? The grammar police will never buy it.

    1. Grammar Police aren't creative Police. It's a different force entirely.

  8. Never start a sentence with And, But or So, that's why my teacher always said.
    So glad he doesn't read my blog (at least i hope he don't).

  9. Good observations, Anna. Hope the meeting was imparting good news. And the train event not just an isolated miracle.
    Pretty soon after I started my blog I found myself using ".And" rather prolifically. And "...". And for the very reasons you cite. OK, excessive use here maybe but how can something so bad feel so good!
    .And Anonymous, here I come ...
