Tenerife -the Wrap Up

We're heading home today full of bittersweet feelings.   I'm thinking of what I'll miss from Tenerife and what I have missed from home as I pack (5kg more than we arrived with. Mr Him's silk shirts are heavy! )  Reflecting on this,  not the 5kg, it's the things I came into contact with regularly that I will miss,  be it a view or routine experience .  On the other hand it's physical things I have missed from home.

I'll miss:

The sound of the ocean

The view of volcanos over breakfast from our balcony

The undulating and magnificent ocean path to the next village

Canarian potatoes

Swimming every day

I'm looking forward to seeing:

My family

My menagerie  (dogs,  cats,  hens ). Miss 21 sent me these pics yesterday to'get me in the mood of home'.

My car! !  Darn Mr Him and his walks

Washing machine  (we've been hand washing)

The clothes I left behind

Meanwhile on my style blog I've updated my holiday dressing diary here holiday-dressing-diary-part-2.


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful time, now back to the routine daily stuff, keep enjoying life wherever you are.

  2. safe trip home! Lovely photos of Tenerife

  3. You've been missing hot weather here! It's always good to get home from holidays though, I think.

  4. Wishing you a safe trip back.
    I miss the humdrum of home but mostly family, especially the grandkiddies. I've been back 10 days and I've had them round on 5 of them, incl a sleepover. That's how much I've missed them!

  5. I love the dining area overlooking the city and volcanoes... it's nice that you have both worlds... vacation AND home!
