Short Haul on BA

Do you remember the excitement of the lunch box?  That anticipation of finding out what wonderous taste delight mum has packed.  A gastronomic parcel to unwrap.  It only happened for me as child on day trips which made it more thrilling.  No one packs me a lunch box now, which makes it so much more exciting when I get one.  We flew BA and they still do the food trays, even short haul, and free drinks.  You can be sure to get quality eats and drinks on Britain's flagship airline, the vanguard of UK cuisine. 

The afternoon tea snack box

 Jacob's crackers, of course, 

and oh, Lily O'Brien chocolate mousse.

Look at the thickness. Pure hedonistic delight, and Mr Him gave me his. He doesn't like chocolate.  Perfect!

Other than eat we read our e-readers, my e-readers.  I persuaded Mr Him to read Seveneves.  He started it on the flight on my Ipad whilst I continued on my kindle.  I am 67% through. It is an epic and so far I am loving it.  Very engineering and physics orientated if you like that sort of thing, plus human nature and politics.  

You can see we had our complimentary wine and beer too.  Yes, complimentary, on BA. 

In other news, one suitcase was given back sans wheel.  We need to trace a replacement from Samsonite.


  1. You are well cared for on BA, food, and drink, time to relax and read, sounds wonderful. Too bad about the wheel.

  2. I really don't like flying. But I do love inflight meals. The food is usually not great but I just like the mystery of what they're going to serve up. (Sometimes it remains a mystery as to what the actual meal is.)

  3. I laughed at the chocolate haul

  4. Asaah, fond memories of BA catering, they did you proud, Queenie wouldn't have had better service. I travelled Easy Jet to Copenhagen recently. Zilch free.

  5. I can't even remember the last meal I got on a flight... and complimentary (alcohol) drinks? Forget it! Now you're lucky in the USA to get a bag with 5 peanuts!

  6. A friend of mine recently lost her entire suitcase on return from Spain (which 3 months later is still missing!) so I suppose a lost wheel is marginally better. But how on earth did you get it home - presumably by carrying it? At least it was a work-out for the two chocolate mousses ;)
