Plumbing Genius

There I was on the train, surreptitiously trying out Snapchat, as you do. However,  I tell you there was nothing surreptitious about it by the time neighing, woofing,  beeping and snorting left my phone and reverberated around the carriage. Darn whatsinaming thing! 

Why did I try it?  Miss 21 thinks I should Snapchat. Have you tried it?  It is the most confusing app and that's before you find that you've been turned into a darn skittles-rainbow covered zebra sticking out its tongue.  Let me know if you want to see my Snapchats.  I'll add you to the circulation as I assault the ether as a growling blue panda.

In other news I've done a bit of plumbing.  Yes I've discovered that I'm a whiz in the region of bathrooms.  Our shower has been leaking for a while but this week it turned into Niagara falls. I worked out that if you stood in the shower and pushed on the tap thingummy attached to the wall then the leak stopped.  With a towel around me Miss 21 found me in the shower holding up said tap thingummy.  Get me a broom I instructed, please.  With the broom I levered the tap thingummy up against the wall.  The trouble with this genius solution was that the broom was not long enough to wedge against anything the other end except me. We needed another heavy object in the shower, and it couldn't be Mr Him as he had to go to work and sleep and so on.   A kitchen sink bowl filled with water was ideal.  This solution held for two days proving to the family that I and Miss 21 were plumbing geniuses.   It has been fixed now by a real plumber so sadly there are no pictures. 

With the success of my solution at home you can imagine that when the ladies rest room cubicle at work failed I came to the rescue.  What was once a perfectly normal sliding lock on the door this week did not reach between the door and the wall.  There was a half inch gap. In the next cubicle the sliding lock was too big for the gap.  A colleague and I puzzled over this.  I said 'Its as if the walls moved.'  Then I looked up and saw a screw loose, no pun. I pushed the wall and it swung back and forth.  I dived into a cubicle 'look, if you lean on the wall you can lock the door,' I exclaimed.  Whilst leaning on the wall I locked the door.  My colleague was then able to lock the other door.  The next challenge was unlocking the doors.. I'm still in there.  


  1. You are a genious, no picture thou? humph....

    1. I'm glad you at least recognise me for the genius that I am. Mr Him doesn't.

  2. Having a blog is all the social media I can cope with. Anything else would do me in, so no Snapchat for me!

  3. glad you shower at home is fixed, that's what I do, call a plumber. Hope you are home now from the office!

    1. my kids send me snapchats that I know how to view and reply to ...that's about all I do on it.

    2. Well that's what miss 21 planned but I can't work out how to send. She sends me pics so I thought I'd have a go at replying but ended up turning myself into a squawking zebra on the train. I couldn't silence it.

  4. Hi Anna,
    Thanks so much for popping over to my blog so I could find your lovely one!
    Love your attitude to life and wish i had your plumbing acumen! (They call them MacGyver skills here in the US)
    We are very much delegators in this house, sadly. I don't even cook much anymore, more assemblage!

  5. Would you consider a round trip to Sydney all expenses paid to help me? I just had a bit of an overflow problem on Friday just before work....

    SSG xxx

  6. Overflow of the commode... the commode...

    SSG xxx

    1. If you can arrange to have a commode misfunction around December that would be perfect. I could have my second summer then.

  7. Snapchat? Never tried it..... Yet. Am impressed with your practical plumbing skills. Plumbers are in such short supply, maybe this is how you make your fortune?

    1. There's an idea. Mr Him, Mr Him, I have an idea for you.... go to plumbing school and make a fortune.

  8. Snapchat has so many interesting things you can do with it, however I can only watch as the young people around me try to demonstrate it's capabilities. As for the plumbing situation....I like the creativity and positive attitude. And I really hope you made it out of the bathroom stall without climbing out of the bottom...if there was an open bottom.

    Carmelo @ PRO Hot Water Service

  9. I have to admit, my husband is better at Snapchat and I am better at plumbing! I am in love with your attitude and determination towards everything and after reading this hilarious post, I am ready now to call in a plumber - maybe you should take up a new profession? Keep posting!

    Helene Raymond @ Trade Squad

  10. When I moved into my first apartment, my roomie and I had no plumbing experience. We noticed during the middle of the night a very loud slow drip coming from the kitchen sink. We watched a video online on how to fix it, but we only made the leak worse. Ultimately, we had to call a plumber to fix the leak.
