Bills Restaurants

If you read my blog Horsham of the Doomsday book you'd know we had promised ourselves a meal in the old wool exchange crossed with old Town Hall.  Coincidentally we've also promised ourselves a meal in the new South of England taste sensation, Bills. Doubly coincidentally Bills is the restaurant in the old wool exchange come Town Hall.  This is a young restaurant chain that began in Lewes and is spreading it's ribs and burgers widely across the South. 

Mr Him heads for Bills
As soon as we entered I began a shopping list in my head. Chutney,  marmalade,  beer, chocolate, ketchup, beer (again ), teapot. teapot!  This is a restaurant that has associated sales down to pat.  I mean we didn't even  know we needed a teapot but as soon as we saw the rustic enamel pot we knew we had to have one. 

We were given a table upstairs amongst the chandeliers. 

Mr Him ordered ribs and was very impressed with the quantity. I had hummus and halloumi on a roll, chips and salad.  To follow was pecan pie for me and the best treacle tart I've ever tried for Mr Him. Bills beer had to be sampled, of course. 

On the table was an order form allowing merchandising to be done at the same time as drinking Bills beer and gorging on the feel good desserts.  Goods ordered are brought to the table.  A teapot was purchased along with marmalades.

We agreed that we would return to Bills. The food was flavoursome and the right quantity for us. The menu varied enough to suit both our tastes, the price middle of the road, the service couldn't be faulted and the staff were friendly.  

At home the teapot is our new toy. 


  1. What a wonderful outing! I love chandeliers

  2. Looks like my kind of place! Love the teapot your picked.

    SSG xxx

  3. Have only ever been to Lewes - so crowded I could scarcely get my fork to my mouth. However, there is a new one in Tunbridge Wells - probably more civilised....

  4. What a wonderful outing love places with character.

    1. Quite a few old buildings are being repurposed as pubs or restaurants now.

  5. I'm a new follower! You have a delightful sense of humour and a wonderful writing style! I found your blog via a comment you left at John Gray's "Going Gently" blog. I had a good laugh at your blog name's reference to "the Mutton Years."

    1. Thank you so much. I hope you continue to enjoy my waffle.

  6. Bill's in Lewes is good, as is the one in Brighton (which is in an old bus station). They seem to be going from strength to strength.

    1. Goodness, for someone who lives in France you've been to more Bills then I have!
