Dear reader, I have a colleague. I have many but this colleague works for me. She doesn't have much opportunity for business visits and outings but last week an excellent invitation arrived in my inbox. I whizzed it to her with an instruction to go to London and attend a seminar and mingle over a buffet lunch.
Petra was excited. She Googled the location, she filled in the on-line registration, she persuaded her husband to escort her to the office door in case she got lost. She was organised. She was going to smash that seminar.
The day arrived and she dressed in business finery for her grand city banking adventure . She was royal in her attire and had a spring in her step.
I then got a call. 'Anna, can you look at the invite, they aren't expecting me! ' I stifled a choke. No, oh no!
I looked. It was the next day! Ooops. We all laughed.
An hour and a half later she was sitting at her desk in the office. A little red. Meanwhile I got a call from our banker saying 'you know Petra turned up a day early.' I said 'yes, she doesn't get out much. '
Today she attended second time around, apparently teased quite a bit at by the bank staff. She held her head high. We have respect for our Petra, but I won't be sending her on an airplane any time soon.