NZ Salts, Turkish Towels and a Country Fair

Last Saturday I took myself out to enjoy field and farm daylife.  The Young on line shopping genius did think of coming along but sent a text to say 'I don't think I'm going to pay £18 to get into a field. I'll meet you for coffee later but until then I'll go walk around a different field.....for free.'

I could see her point.

The field that I went to and paid £18 to enter contained the South of England show.  This time there was not a llama in sight.  Sheep though!

And a Pimms (of course.)

Some crafty bits too. 

Horses and riders in the practice paddock before the eventing.

A royal rocking horse, really? 

I purchased a pack of spices, mixed with woodsmoked New Zealand salts  and a bulb of woodsmoked garlic  (Mr Him made a sausage and bean casserole with some last night. Delicious.  His recipe tinned tomatoes, baked beans, a smattering of manuka wood smoked New Zealand salts and  spices, one clove of woodsmoked garlic, sausages.)  

These spices are available from

However, what really caught my attention, dear reader, was a fantastical money saving, space saving concept for a global fashionista such as I. What a phenomenal idea! A scarf you can dry yourself on after a shower, a beach wrap you can dine off as a tablecloth.  A truly multifunctional item and it was for me, twice, in grey and light chestnut.  I might even go on line and order a third.  Great for vacations. I'm already seeing myself  using it as a scarf on the plane, (why pack it,)  then wafting around the pool with said item as a sarong and later as a towel after emerging from the pool.   I'm fancying a lime one to add to my collection. 

This brand I found at the show is Foutala ( and available on line. 

Googling fouta I found that a fouta is a  Turkish towel. In the middle East they were also used by men as loincloths as they 'relax at home.'  I think I need to up my order, Mr Him is bound to want one for his armchair relaxation at home.  In fact I am now thinking of those Christmas presents for couples.  I'm sure my brother and sister-in-law would find a scarf come loincloth that they could share useful.  Then there's the step-sons....


  1. Eighteen quid does sound a lot... My cheap self would probably balk.
    Love the multi-function towels though. Economy of purpose.

    1. I think its cheeky to charge considering its as much a shopping venue as a show. The stall holders no doubt already pay the ground so public should be free, in my view.

  2. I like things to have a lot of uses... however.... hmmmm... I think I draw the line at using Bill's loin-cloth for a table cloth. Picky, aren't I?

  3. could you maybe show us a couple of photos of you modeling them, as I have never heard of these. You don't need to enlist Mr. Him's help in modeling............

    1. Oh, you said :no need to enlist Mr Him. No what do I do with those pictures!

  4. A lovely day and a great discovery in the fouta! Thanks for sharing!

    1. I think the fouta may be making quite a few appearances in my blog in future.

  5. That bean casserole sounds delicious and an all purpose scarf what a great idea.

    1. Scarf, loin cloth, what's the difference between friends:)

  6. That bean casserole sounds delicious and an all purpose scarf what a great idea.

  7. A loinscarf you can eat off of... what a concept.
