Old by the BBQ

Saturday last saw us experience a first and at the same time I met Old. We were introduced, Old and I, by being invited and attending my daughter's accommodation for food. It was in the form of a bbq. Such an invitation wrapped me in Old. 

I made a Greek salad and Mr Him made a potato salad to take with us.  It was a chilly evening and I became inspired to wear an old vintage denim jacket that I had handed down to the Young Online Shopping Genius.  As she had never worn it I upcycled it from her wardrobe. She is not the only clothing genius!

We decided that we wouldn't drive as we were both liable to drink. The Automotive Engineer pseudo son in law gave us a lift, separately. There's no back seat in his mini.  On arrival the evening started promisingly.  Clearly our reputation goes before us.

Friends of theirs were there also.  My daughter and the Autimotive Engineer needed help looking after the elderly I understand. 

Help took the form of touching the bbq to see if it was hot! 

Creating a strange 4 legged creature for us. Why we would need this I don't know!

The young men then made themselve useful staring at a bag of charcoal.

Then the food emerged and was cooked by woman unusually. 

We ate, we drank, we hudddled Old by the fire and then we walked home trying to exert youth and  hoping we could lose Old on the way.  

I awoke with a mighty hangover the next day and found I'd taken Old to bed.  He snored.


  1. Looks like a fun gathering, nice photos!

  2. A woman cooked at a barbecue? The final apocalypse is nigh...

  3. An emphasis on booze with the food almost as an after thought. My kind of evening.

  4. Great blog and sounds like a fun BBQ Karen xxxx

  5. I think here the men cook at the grill and the women do all the cleaning up... and with guys cooking there's a lot of cleanup. I'd rather cook.

  6. Anna the jacket looks great on you and thanks for sharing the fun photos. Good looking family you are.

  7. You know that mencooking in the bbqis a stereotype lol

    1. Excuse my typing i turned autocorrect off my phone

  8. in our house, I do ALL the cooking...dh says he has other talents!!

  9. I can't remember how I discovered your blog, but I have been much entertained by reading your past entries.
