The Jumpers

Dear reader, don't tell the fashionstas that read my style blog,  but I'm a bit of a cheapskate.  This cheapskatedness led me on an adventure on Saturday.  An adventure many fashionsta would be jealous of.
You see I have heard ravings,  absolute gushings and crushings over woollen jumpers.  Not any old woollen jumper though.  No. 'WoolOvers' woollen jumpers to be exact.  These jumpers are priced around  £60 £80 £100.  They are mail order. Generally.  They have one location in the UK which is office and warehouse in one.  It's near my home.  It behove me to investigate for my readers.

On Saturday I set my Sat Nav to 'seek WoolOvers'.   At first it misunderstood and sent me to Covers. .a fencing outlet.  Still I persevered. 

Next stop WoolOvers.  

There's the trailer ready to be loaded with your next lot of jumpers, dear fashionsta. 

There's the factory shop.  With a sale.

There's me 'in there'.

There's my haul. Several jumpers for £5 to £10 each.  

There's a pink loose fit jumper I bought miss 22. Silk and cotton mix.  £10.

They are listed on the invoice as samples.  Do I mind?  No.


  1. Cheap is good. Sometimes very good.

  2. Sounds like you had so much fun! I love that pink for Miss 22.

  3. Good haul, hope you had fun. Thought to pop in on my Sept trip but didn't, long story. Take care washing the silk and cotton but the old cashmere mix does wash well; I haven't washed their post-rebrand jumpers yet which are thinner quality, one reader's had problems so I'll be v. careful. Gosh, I'm sounding like a real housewife!

  4. Fashionistas do what they have to do! Nice haul.

  5. I love a bargain. well done.
