Alternate Blog

I have continued my alternate blog.  It's a more serious one . Today I share my weight loss struggle and meal plan. 
You'll find it here, under the Mutton Years Style and I blog.
Mr Him loved the eggs and bacon meal, being a man's man as you realise from his facials and blurring, but not the vegetable pasta dish. 
Overnight this blog has made headlines, I am a phenomenon!  Read early whilst stocks last.


  1. EEeer - the link doesn't seem to work. Am all agog. And the text has sort of burst its boundaries... have you been at the gin bottle?

    1. It's the new diet. Well spotted. Gin!
      Actually I used the app to insert the pic on the train this morning. I have so much trouble whth hyperlinks. I will play with that too when I get home. After gin of course

    2. In the meantime you could catch up on the beautifying of Mr Him!
