Accessories of Red with Accents of Cat Hair

On Tuesday, with accessories of red and accents of cat hair and newspaper print I headed for a city  conference.  As you know, dear reader, red was the colour of choice for delegates for sprucing the grey when I went to a conference in December. 

 On arrival at the station  I knew I was a fashionista in my attire,  for before me was a vision reflecting my very own comeliness (I can dream can't I).  A bona fide  red riding hood,  minus hood.

 There she stood, amongst the city grey,  in her red velvet heeled slippers. An adornment of rose blooms were neatly spread across her foot as if to catch the early morning light. She wore a  dress embossed with bordeaux rose blossoms and a coat that would rile any wolf of wall street.     Clearly I was on trend I thought as I swished my red telephone box Renee scarf. I felt at one with this walking bloom, I was the telephone box to her bouquet.  She must be going to the conference I thought, with an inner smile. 

Was she at the conference? No. was she a speaker?  No. Was I on trend amongst my city colleagues?  Did  anyone wear red?  No, well, yes, one gentleman had the bravery. (you can just about see him in the picture, if you squint.) 

By lunchtime I'd stripped off the red frippery and succumbed to the Fifty Shades of Business Grey. 

Nails however were another matter and yes I had got that right.  My OPI malaga wine was colour matched to nails waving Ipads and salad forks.  'Reassuring' said one business contact to me as we agreed over champagne that our identical nail colour was spot on.

Next time I'll go to the conference as a rose.    Renee,  a rose scarf please! In red! 


  1. Drape yourself in red and get your sassy on!

    1. Sassy! such a lovely word. I used it recently in one of my blogs:)

  2. I would have carried on wearing the red.

    1. I will next time but I could not compete with the vision on the platform.

  3. I've just found your blog - terrific. Keep wearing the red dltbgyd....

  4. Me again... I did NOT write this after a wild night out, at 01:33.... It's 08:35 and I should be getting out of bed!

    1. Haha, thanks for replying, twice:) Today I be wearing animal print and also do have a hangover but don't tell anyone.

    2. Haha, thanks for replying, twice:) Today I be wearing animal print and also do have a hangover but don't tell anyone.

    3. See I think I replied twice, once for each of your replies.
