A Delayed Easter

It's been a while.  I've been busy having back ache. I have also had  Easter. I know it's perhaps a bit yesterday to talk of Easter but that's all I have to talk of at the moment, unless  you want me to talk of ligaments, discs and ibuprofen with a side order to heat packs.

Mr Him decided that he was not cooking this Easter.  Excusable as he does normally do the roasts. So I volunteered the family.  Clever that. 

However I did put the chicken in the oven with butter and herbs.  Then I went to the huge effort of lining up the young adults to prepare the veg.

Miss 22 peeled and washed potatoes. 

Miss 18 chunked them for roasties. 

Mr 26 prepared the sprouts and showed the girls how to do them.  He did say,  ' yes, I can't believe it myself.'  The reason for the disbelief is that  Mr 26 couldn't cook an egg barely when he moved in. Mr Him taught him sprout preparation a couple of xmas' ago and now that's his routine task. 

What did I do?  The chicken. Plus sliced butternut squash.  I cheated and bought the squash pre-sliced.  Hey, it works!

Any guilt was soon disregarded as the girls equally soon got bored and re purposed the kitchen into a skating rink as seen on this video

And that was Easter accompanied by chocolate. 


  1. Sounds like a wonderful family Easter, a group effort!

  2. Replies
    1. I'd definity recommend chocolate and creme fraiche. Sweet and sour combo.

  3. Now that sounds like a pretty nice Easter, hope your back gets better soon.

    1. Thank you. Its taking a while to mend. very stiff now.

  4. All sounds good to me, especially the skating.

  5. My kind of family gathering, loved the skating.

    1. Not sure my floor did but there are no marks so all is good.

  6. Such an excellent exercise stemming from Mr Him's declaration and your immediately instinctive delegation. The family got learning new skills in the kitchen and had some fun. I wonder if that's what Mr Him envisaged would happen, if so well done him, clever tactics.
    So sorry for you, suffering with your back. Have you seen your surgery's osteopath? Acupuncture might help. Alternatively, pop over and see mine, he's a looker, that helps too!!!

    1. There is nothing clever about his tactics. He wanted me to fail. I used tactics ensuring success. Problem is i might have to forever now do the roasts. Yes my back now needs massage. It was too acute before and tender.

  7. Some of the best things in life are chocolate. And wine.
    Hold the sprouts though. My father described them as baby garbages and I would agree.
    Hope your back is behaving.

    1. I understand that some people taste sprouts bitterly. My family don't. we can all do sprouts and love them.

  8. Love your blog, Anna! I think we must be kindred spirits. I'm a little bit of this and that. And you're bitsa this and bitsa that. Love it!!

    1. Thank you. I will pop over to see you on yours and read about your bitsa.

  9. What a lovely post ...
    I do hope your back is feeling a lot better.

    All the best Jan

    1. two weeks later and its not acute but very stiff still. I am going to be cooking from your blog as decided to cut the carbs, including chocolate, for a bit.

  10. I'd go one healthier - just skip the creme fraiche and have double the amount of chocolate. Haha

  11. I did that the rest of the week, taking your advice, haha.

  12. That sounds like a fantastic Easter. I'll gladly take another Easter if I can get access to wonderful food like that.
