A Tavern and Dogs that has Been Seen Before

Dear reader, I've been busy. I've been busy on your quest. It's gone so well I don't have pics!  In fact I barely remember.      However, this afternoon we did pop down to the Lockhart Tavern again and did this time take our dogs. (Mr Him has said he doesn't mind frequenting here again and again in the purpose of research.)   I have found that dogs do mean one ends up talking to people, and that's a good thing. I'm sorry that this is not a new bar to you but we rather like it as it caters for our Mutton age group.  There is not loud music, one can talk, one can sit, one can take dogs.  

Mr Him did wear his Washington DC T shirt to take a bit of the States to the bar on my American readers behalf.  (This segues nicely into the news that I am on my way to NYC this month.  Anyone want autographs? )

A year ago, with amazing foresight I did visit another pub and wrote about it here.  I particularly like how 'I' cooked a meal after we got home that day.  

Having read that I made sure that today we had our main meal, which I cooked, before we went out.


  1. Eating before you go to a pub is a good idea, save the money you would spend on pub grub for more libation.
    In the interest of research these things need to be done.

  2. Love that top! Yes, you can find quite a community with dogs. Looked a great place


  3. Wow have fun in NYC! That's great for you that you have a tavern nearby that caters to dogs.

  4. Wow! NY! Looking forward to some amazing posts.
    Returning to pub to test dog acceptability - such excellent self-sacrificing journalism, Ace.
    Mr Him's looking good in the t shirt, BTW!

  5. You are an impressive writer and I fully understand your sacrifice having to return to the same pub. Have a great time in NYC.

  6. We have some great pubs near us that et us take our dog. I love pubs that allow dogs! Have an amazing time in NYC. Its one of my favourite places in the world, and I try to visit at least every other year. Enjoy!

  7. I so want a little dog. A poodle, please. I have been good, honest.

  8. How exciting! Sex And The City territory! I'd love to go there. The link up is open. Hope you can join x
