Miss 22 visits Winchester Cathedral

Miss 22 had an outing last Friday.  She was told by her dentist  ( yes you read that right ) to wear sensible walking shoes and warm outdoors clothing.  She was departing the practice in dentists car with her colleagues at 8 am.
I got a text at 1.
'So far today I have: crawled up some famous steps like a pilgrim sorry for their sins, dressed as a sheep in a nativity, kissed an over 50yr old man on the cheek under the mistletoe and had to busk on the side of the street to collect money.
and it's only lunch... '
They later went ice skating and shopping. This was her practice's Xmas outing.  A lot of fun was had.  I know.  I saw the video.  So will you if you tap below.

Where were they?  Winchester. In fact miss 22 has now realised how interesting cathedrals are.  It has to be said that in the UK we do store a lot of history in our cathedrals. 

Unusual choice for Xmas party for 22 and 21 year olds. ' Let's visit a cathedral,  won't that be fun? '  However they called it right.  They all loved the day.

artistic capture of the roof I believe


  1. Does look and sound fun, what a beautiful cathedral!

  2. Wow, that's a creative approach to a works day out! Must have taken a lot of pre-prep to pack so much in.

  3. They are so fortunate to have the option of celebrating in a cathedral! That looks wonderful! -Jenn

  4. Well, I am curious... why is Miss 22 crawling on her hands and knees up the steps? (I love cathedrals and would love to see some of the ones in England!)

    1. They had to do this as part of the challenges. It was the pretending to be a sinner piece.

  5. Hello from n.e.Ohio us! Just discovered your blog and love your masthead (?) I am 71 years old great grandma and love funny people. I will enjoy reading your archives. I had the pleasure of touring the cathedral of st john the divine in NYC. Majestic but yours are better. Merry Christmas!

    1. Hello, and welcome. Yes my world is chaotic. I will be in NYC in February. I will see if I can add St John into the weekend itinerary.
