Wonder Woman and the Cleaner

Dear reader,  I was greeted at work last  Monday morning with a cupcake on my desk.  This was from Petra, and no, it wasn't in the form of apple for the teacher. 
Petra told me that she had gone to a first birthday of a baby of one of the school mums.  This mother apparently gave a gift to each child that went to the party as a from the baby present.  She did all the baking and with a baby! I commented that the wonder woman clearly had too much time on her hands.  'Well actually, ' Petra told me,  'this lady works as a fashion designer of children's clothes full time!  She baked at 4 am for the party!' 

She could have iced them! At 6 am maybe.

I have warned Petra that this wonder woman has set the bar. 

On the other end of the spectrum is me.  I'm an 'enough to get by' person not a perfection person.  I'd have bought cupcakes. In fact why have cup cakes at all!
This week I've gone a little further on the  'buy in'  scene.  I've bought in cleaning.  Yes,  finally I put it to the others in the household the idea of paying a fiver each and having a cleaner on a Saturday morning.  As we all work all week we find weekends short and precious.  None of us are of a mind to clean at 4 am.  I did ask them.  It was in fact my intro to the conversation. 

Our cleaner started Saturday last.  It enabled Miss 21 to sort out her car repairs,  me to do ironing and blogging and some other cleaning,  Mr Him cleaned the car.  None of us could  be lazy whilst the cleaner  was there.  Instead  we cracked on with these other tasks earlier in the day then otherwise would have been the case.  The whole weekend rolled back two hours.  Relaxation started at 2 pm on Sunday instead of the normal 4pm.
Whilst on the topic, and knowing how popular my undersink blog was,  I captured some pics of Mr Him s efforts at sorting out the understairs cupboard.  I know you like that sort of thing,  dear reader.


  1. I had a cleaner when my daughters were younger and found that I cleaned before she came as I couldn't stand her seeing how messy we were. Needless to say it didn't last long.

  2. I want a cleaner. Badly.
    I need one too. Equally badly.

  3. Good for you getting a cleaner!

  4. Is this some sort of Generation Game thing, Anna?Identify what's come out of the cupboard under the stairs?
    I see bags, yoga mats (2), an antique fireman's water pump and a poor shaggy grey toy dog with a plastic tube leg and an outrageously long hose tail (possibly Hoover grafts?). Do I win the star prize?
    I'm loving that we readers are also going to benefit from Mutton Manor having a cleaner!!

    1. P.. I think the black thing in the foreground is the pop-up toaster (single slice). I must be up for a prize now!

  5. Years ago with my previous wife we did house cleaning for many people, made a lotta money, then she left. But my life got better, what can I say?

  6. How funny... I am just about to write about my very first experience with a cleaner, which happened yesterday. Your experience makes me look at mine very differently!

  7. Hiring a cleaning lady was one of the best things I did for myself when my kids were young. They still had chores but it was such a gift to have someone else dust, vacuum, mop, scrub bathrooms and change bed linens. I do miss that now . . .
