Cakes and More Cakes

British Bake Off has a cult following in the UK.  Me, on the otherhand,  I'm a cult fan of cakes full stop.  This is one half of my struggle with weight.  Easy you say,  don't buy cakes.  Yes, and I don't ! The second half of my downfall is that in the office we have some master bakers.  These offerings have befallen my waistline over the last few weeks.  Well would you say, no?


  1. That Victoria sponge looks nice.

  2. They all look interesting and very tasty, the trick is moderation, lol..

  3. I definitely couldn't say no and would need to try one of each - for the purpose of health and safety, you understand.

  4. It would be a real struggle for me to say no, I feel for you the temptation would be to much for me.

  5. Oh dear.
    And British Bake Off has a cult following here too. I really don't think the Australian version is a fraction as good.

  6. what a fabulous bake sale, love these!

  7. Oh my! I do feel sorry for you, the pressure must be immense. Your colleagues are not playing fair, being such fantastic bakers. And they know how to layer on the misery - walnut cake is naughty enough but to add a landslide of smarties is just twisting the knife.

  8. I love the presentation.... what a beautiful display they all made with the different colors, textures, shapes and combinations... lovely!
