
Dear reader,  following the wrecking of the crockey yesterday Mr Him disappeared.  I eventually persuaded myself to arise from a balcony sunbed to find him.

There he was diagonally spread across our bed, nose pointed to the ceiling.  'Ah bless,' I thought.  'That was a good €3 spent.' ( 3 beers ).

Meanwhile at home Miss 21 has found a Charmander in our garden and no doubt captured it.  I'm in fear of a stream of people now passing  through our property with their phones to capture this charmander.

Perhaps we can sell lemonade.


  1. That is amazing that she captured a Charmander do we have a photo of this event?

  2. Pokemon Go is now in Canada, let the madness begin!

  3. Have no idea what a Chamander is/does but will Google and become impressed. Also impressed that you have found peace for €3, v.good investment.

  4. Have no idea what a Chamander is/does but will Google and become impressed. Also impressed that you have found peace for €3, v.good investment.

  5. Ok, googling done. Fortunately there was a news report on Pokemon go-ing tonight so I have (just about) heard of them and thanks to my midnight googling I now know what one looks like. This blogging stuff is so educational.

  6. I had to google charmander to see what you meant. I think this Pokemon thing is completely bonkers, but then the whole world seems bonkers at the moment. By the way, I thin we are hotter in London than where you are,at the moment. Supposed to be 35C today.

  7. Yep... me too... didn't have a clue. The things we learn through reading these so very educational blogs!
