The Cackle and the DNA

Dear reader, on Sunday Mr Him and I left our home for a day trip to Guildford. We were visiting a Finnish friend who wanted to feed us his homemade Salmon soup.  We fed him two bottles of White in return.  However the purpose of this post is to tell you what happened at home in the meantime.

Miss 21 and automotive engineer went for a walk in the woods.  They heard creepy whistles followed by a cackle.  'A cackle like you've never heard a cackle', said Miss 21 later. 'Worse than your cackle mum, and Mr Him's come to that.'

Mr Him and I arrived home to find splatters of blood up a wall in the lounge and on the settee. We went a bit forensic and decided it was, well splatters of blood.  I rang Miss 21 to enquire about what had happened whilst we were out. She had no knowledge of the splatters and became creeped out.  'We've just heard a Witch in the woods. This is spooky.'

She went on to tell us we need to call the police and insist on a DNA test on the blood.  'You think they'll test for Witch', I exclaimed.  'How on earth do I ask them to test for Witch.'  They'd think I was nuts. 'I doubt they'll have Witch in their database,' I went on to explain to Miss 21. 

As I was pondering how to approach the police on the matter of the Witch and DNA Mr Him noticed the dog had a gash on his ear. 
Phew problem solved. 


  1. But who gashed the dog's ear? THE WITCH!

  2. That is a bit scary when you come home to splatters of blood. How was the salmon soup?

    1. It was delicious. I will get the recipe from my friend.

  3. Lumme! That put a shiver up my spine. Yes, I'm intrigued about the salmon soup too.
    Keep meaning to visit Guildford. I've only ever been as far as that amazing swimming pool

    1. Ill do pictures in my next blog and get the recipe of the soup for you all.

  4. Sounds like a visit from the Ear-biting Witch....

    1. Yes, watch out. She may come over your way and if you don't have a dog she may find another handy ear. She does that you know.

  5. You lead an exciting, but not comfortable, life.

  6. That's just downright creepy! Probably just as well you figured out the dog ear injury before calling the police.... but still......
