Mr Him gets his Groove On

Birthday series two saw Mr Him, and this is his words,  'getting his groove on'.  We went to a local fund raiser for the British Heart Foundation. 

The town donated up to a fortune for Mr Him not to 'get his groove on.' The band tried everything from  stopping the music to handing Mr Him and everyone else lollipops to keep him occupied as the rest of us danced to 'My girl lollipop.'   I threatened that if he continued to 'walk like an Egyptian ' I'd get the next camel home. 

Unfortunately he we gyrated until midnight  and my samsung health app went into measuring frenzy mode. 

At this point we decided we'd better go  home for a cuppa to rest our weary bodies.   The next day I could barely walk downstairs.  Luckily Mr Him could and so he roasted two ducks and potatoes and parsnips to accompany green veg and we fed some young family members, Mr Him's son, my oldest miss 21, her automotive engineer and the yogurt churner extraordinaire who is now 18. I made an apple and blackberry crumble using some of the autumn picked berries and apples.  Oats were mixed with flour to make the topping. 

We had a fun conversation over the cooked fowl and then turned to a game of Cards against Humanity. What evil parents we are!


  1. You left me a message on my Facebook page - I saw it beriefly but then it disappeared - I may have deleted it by mistake.... please try again!

  2. Now that sounds like a wonderful exciting time you had, dancing and a great meal with family.

  3. Replies
    1. There were generally moans of 'my hips', and 'my knees' from we bopping mutton people.

  4. what a fun birthday number two!

  5. The dancing (kind of) sounds fun... but the blackberry/apple crumble sounds wonderful! Happy Birthday one more time!

  6. Blackberry/apple crumble? Yes, please!

    Gyrating? Where on earth do you get the energy?

    1. I think my samsung health app is wondering the same thing.

  7. I love Cards Against Humanity. My friends do not.
