A Sunday of Walks and Pub

Yesterday was a gorgeous sunny day, before Storm Imogen comes through today.  We're expecting 70 to 80 mph winds.  We took the opportunity to walk around Ardingly Reservoir.  Mr Him wanted to check on  one of his (the lesser one,)  hydration supplies for the summer.  This reservoir provides Mr Him and others  in Sussex with water. 

It's currently reassuringly high. We have seen it more than half empty during droughts. 
Mr Him also wanted to see the Great Crested Grebes do their mating dance.  We have seen it once before and it's akin to Swan Lake on water. Unfortunately they did not show us their display this time.

Now without any further ado I will show you the photos of the reservoir and environs.

Later in the day we made our way to my current favourite village pub.  Here our Horseshoe Hats decided to embarrass us and do their mating dance on the bar.

 Not only does this pub serve my current favourite beer, Blue Moon, on tap but it's the local haunt for santa when he's having downtime. 

There is an intriguing display of memorabilia on display and we notice something new to be in awe of each time we come here.  Mr Him assures me that his jaw dropping mouth open look has nothing to do with him testing his other summer hydration  but is solely due to the artifacts.

I tried my best to keep up with Mr Him beer wise.  We had a pleasant afternoon chatting to Santa then headed home on foot, where I cooked supper.   This was by judicious slurring of ingredients to Mr Him across the kitchen with accompanying instructions as I sat at the kitchen table. 

My recipe for pheasant casserole,  non slurred version is here.
There is a bonus link to chocolate brownies to encourage you to look.


  1. Nothing much better than a sunday winding up in a pub.

  2. Sounds like a fine day, thanks for the recipes, off to check them out.

  3. Sounds like just the sort of thing to prop you up for the week... going to check the recipes now.

  4. Blue Moon???? Surely one can do better than that! We have a pub, but it's in a seedy little neighborhood (neighbourhood?) and not Sussex, more's the pity.

    1. I'm merely impressed that we can get an American beer on tap in a Sussex village. It does suit my pallet though. I'm usually a wine drinker but can't take the acid in my old age.

  5. Where is your pub? We got to Ardingly sometimes for the Antique fairs but also the summer show The WI tent yada yada)

  6. I'd like to see that mating dance.... I'll have to look up Great Crested Grebe... that's a bird not familiar to me. I kinda like the mating dance of the hats... rather colorful. Can hardly wait to see the offspring ;-)

  7. Sounds like a perfect Sunday! Lovely photos. Lynne xx
