Instagram Photo Challenge and other things.

Dear reader, I'm inundated at work. My writing to you has suffered. It's your misfortune, I do realise.  This morning I've snatched a few minutes to update you.  A small update. I could give you a big update but it would involve lots of spreadsheets and concatenate formulas and I'm sure you don't want that.

Instead I'm going to tell you a little about my instagram adventure. I'm taking part in a photo challenge. A theme for each day is followed, not too well by me. For instance last Friday the theme was food diary.  Here's my contribution, with the caption 'ooops'. 

I'm on a liquid diet. 

Yesterday we had to post strapless. Well I don't go strapless, believe me you don't want me to, so I struggled with this challenge until I had an epiphany. I recollected that I wore this little number in  Brighton last year.  A vision in a sapphire sheen of elegance it is not but  I took a gamble and posted it.  I haven't been banned yet.

Meanwhile I am sure you want an update on the men in the office Friday style challenge. 

 Yes, bright or colourful socks.

At home Mr Him has modified his clothing to come up with what he calls 'Shipwreck Chic.'

Now for your challenge, use the word concatenate in your comments.


  1. Sorry can't find a use for concatenate.
    Love your pic !


  2. I would have to concatenate more than I am able to add the word, reply to your post and comment here.

    Lovely post, had me laughing so much hubby had to come and read it to see what the fuss was about, he laughed too, he has the same style as your hubby.

    1. Thank you. I think the laugh is on me publishing that photo:)

  3. If I concatenate your two drinks together, will I get tipsy?

  4. So, thanks to you, I now have concatenate commands to write a book. Can't tell you how much I appreciate it.

    Loved your imaginative use of the words!

    1. Yes I'm sure you can concatenate words together in such a manner a book is formed.

  5. I don't concatenate any more. Retirement means random sparks, with a large NO CONCATENATION sign hanging over my to-do list.
    Loved your words, and snorted at some of your images.

    1. I'm getting a sign prepared for Mr Him's retirement that says NO FLOPPING

  6. I had to look up "concatenate" to use it in a sentence. (does that sentence count?)... Love those socks! Looks like a few that I've knit lately ;-), but, OH... it was the strapless shot that wins the prize!

    1. The men are pretty game playing along to the style challenges.

  7. I used to be able to concatenine, but now I can only concatenate. Getting older sucks.

    1. Wait until you can only concatenought. Then you need to worry!

  8. I had to look it up to find out what it means, and I'm afraid it's in the too hard category for me! But I wait with interest to see what others come up with.

    1. Try doing in a formula! Its no wonder you aren't hearing much from me these days. My energy is used up, and my humour lost, in concatenation daily at the moment.

  9. I love the way you manage to concatenate so many apparently disparate topics in one post!

    1. I think that means I'm uninspired at the moment. This is what too much concatenation does to one.
