What will Anna do next, in the Luggage Rack

Today dear reader, I was a twitter sensation.  I trended, in  a microspace I admit, of my own tweets. Nevertheless I trended myself and I'm sure it counts.  This is not a long story. Believe me you don't want it to be. 

The story involves me and the luggage rack.  You see today I was lucky enough to find a luggage rack to travel upon.  This is not my preference to a seat you understand.  No, I do like seats. However on my train generally everyone unfortunately also likes seats. This liking of seats by people from farther afield means that my liking for seats is often unfulfilled by the time the train reaches my station.  Quite frankly the people from the south coast have seat fetishes, all of them, for there is never a seat unclung to. 

Today though I found for myself a demi-seat, the luggage rack.  In a skirt I clambered up.  This was a mistake.  As I crossed my legs I realised I was on the verge of  a 'Sharon, the view ' moment, except I did have underwear on, I feel a need to explain to you, dear reader.  There I was facing into the carriage not really knowing what the whatsinames to do with my legs. 

The thinking on what to do with my legs caused some heating up of my body and I needed to abandon clothes.  Up on the rack I removed my cardigan.  Men gasped as their hopes rose that this was some delightful entertainment that southern rail had kindly put on. 

Twitter started to trend hashtag 'what will Anna do next in the luggage rack' . One man tweeted from another darn train 'err any pics ' . 

I'm taking tomorrow off.  


  1. HAHAHAHA ... I have never met you, but I do actually love you a little bit.. we are all trying to find some humour in the crap bits xxx doing it on twitter is *genius* xxxx

  2. Don't men get up and give their seats to ladies?

    1. It depends on how frumpy I'm looking I think. It must have been a frumpy day.

    2. They should always give their seats to Ladies. :-(

  3. always an adventure in your life........you made me smile!

  4. Lucky you even to find a luggage rack.....

  5. Was it a first class or standard class luggage rack? In second class, I doubt that underwear would be required but I'm sure that in first class, some silk bloomers would be a requirement. :)

    1. I can't afford silk bloomers so it had to be cattle class for which I only need to wear hessian.

  6. Travelling with you would be a blast! If I started removing anything, even a cardigan, everyone would scream "oh dear lord, NOOOOOOOOO" and jump off the train whilst it was moving.

    Handy way to get a seat, lol.

    1. Try it some time and remember to take someone along to take the pics

  7. This is why public transportation is overrated. I don't even need pants to drive a car.

  8. There was I thinking you meant the overhead luggage rack above the seats. How on earth did she get up there, I thought, until I realised you probably meant the ones at the end of the carriage.
