An Unexpected House Guest

Last Sunday Mr Him and I decided to take ourselves to lunch. We filled  our plates with glutony at a carvery then declared the afternoon had to be one of napping, being in our mid years.  I drove us home to enjoy our leisurely and quiet afternoon. How wrong we were! 

On arrival home we found that someone had moved in! 

Yes, dear reader, our newly decorated spare room was now occupied.  I can tell you dear reader that nothing surprises me more than coming home from a roast lunch and finding someone living in our spare room  who wasn't living there when we went out for roast lunch!

Dear reader, you may recollect a few months ago my step-step son moved in along with his rescuing girlfriend. Well this is not who has moved in again. This time it's his twin brother. 

My daughter, the online shopping genius, welcomed us to our hallway and said 'you don't mind my step-brother moving in with  you do you .  He's a great houseguest, does housework and cooks. I don't mind sharing him with you.'

You might think this then is the son of Mr Him.  It is not. My step-step sons (for what else could I call them? ) are the sons of my daughters' Father's wife.  Phew!  Big sentence!
This step-step son had been living with my daughter, the online shopping genius  and her boyfriend for a few days and now they needed the space so decided to upcycle him. 

With a burst of carbs to the brain I realised here was an opportunity. There were jobs awaiting Mr Him. 

'Yes that's fine,' I said, 'but you'll need to put the  door back on the bedroom,  move the bed back in,  screw the headboard together, put the headboard on the bed and move the mattress to the room.' 

The step-step son and automotive engineer zapped around upstairs with comforting  phrases like 'screwdriver ' and 'you take that end ' wafting down the stairs on the household breeze. 

Mr Him napped. 


  1. Familes have got complicated haven't they?
    Mr Him had the right idea. Naps are good. Naps are very good.

    1. Nas are VERY VERY good if they keep Mr Him occupied.

  2. After such a lovely lunch it must have been a shock to your digestion ….

  3. There's nowt as strange as families...

  4. oh the joys of step-siblings; and I have four. How long is he staying for?

    1. I really do not know but he's no trouble. sleeps a lot and plays on his x box in his room.

  5. Maybe you could invite a few more round and get all your DIY jobs done overnight!

  6. When the jobs are done there, I have major re-modeling to be finished here!

  7. Wait, not sure I am following: who is who?

    1. Are, so you are not a long term reader then:) The young on line shopping genius is my oldest daughter, the automotive engineer is her boyfriend. step step sons are the sons of my ex husband's wife. Mr Him is my current other half. Hey, my family is not complicated:)

  8. I am in the market for a step step son of a blogger I follow. I have tons of projects and a bedroom that is empty. Does he feel the need for adventure?
