I've got the moves like Tina

Do you do exercise or sport?  As you know, with the twisting of words by Needlework Natalie, I do, remarkably.  Badminton became a part of my life last September.   I have found that stretching in badminton and yoga have increased my flexibility to that of a souped up ground-sloth.  I feel a certain pride in doing taking up these activities at my age midlife and have decided to stop counting my chronological age and replace it with activityage.  As I pass a birthday I like to think my activityage is falling with each upside down dog. 

To emphasise my new found youth my birthday this year saw me squeezing into pleather leggings, donning my favourite only gold outfit and 3 and a half inch  (the half is important at my midlife age) killer wedged heels. As if that wasn’t shocking enough I fluffed out my hair a further  3 inches Farah Fawcett style and even wore contact lenses! 

Why would I do this?  To attend a Tina Turner and 1970’s music night.  Why else?  Mr Him strutted his stuff and I bopped right up to the clock strike of midnight, yes in those heels, at my age!   At midnight my daughter came to collect her aged mother as it was way past bedtime, not to mention that I had been dancing with a young man who had gone to school with her. Oh the horror of it!

As I cavorted on the floor it occurred to me that not once in my youth did I go to a disco on my birthday, which supports my view that I am now the activityage of, oh fifteen.  (I feel a book coming along, the Activityage Traveller’s Husband.) 

Is this a phenomenon of our generation?  Are we younger in spirit than our parents and grandparents.  Well at no point in my life have I collected my mother from a disco and at no point has my mother shimmied with my school friends, that I'm aware.  I rest my case. 

Then Mr Him reminded me of my Aunt Betty, who was in 6 inch stilts when I was in sensible flats, and that was last year!  I have to admit, she was my inspiration to get into heels again.  She is the reason I have regressed to fifteen and I'm not sad about it.

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