The Retribution and the Pedicure

Dear reader

Do you remember 'The Gift'  (Jaws theme tune in the background).  And the Retribution.  On Saturday I spent The Retribution. Yes, I went for the Zen Pedicure.

Here it is in pictures, which is not as scary as it sounds. 

I have to say the nail technician's face when I asked her to let me know when she did the zen bit was a picture.  Shame I couldn't take it for you. 

Thursday of Droppings

Well that was a day.  I started it by chatting on instagram Mystory about the errors I've made in throwing things out, and ended up home an hour early with a G&T in the garden. 

Here's how. 

A few weeks ago I had a mouse visit my desk drawers.  I had to empty contents into a box and have the drawers disinfected.  Following this bit by bit I emptied the box and put my papers etc back into the drawers. All but a few pieces I didn't know what to do with . As it turns out someone else did, to the surprise of me!

On arrival at the office on Thursday I found

Except for

I pondered this event for a while, 

 I also  worked, I answered emails and after a couple of hours I went to make a cuppa.  I did wonder who wanted my rubbish, and not the box, nor the 'dropping ' for that matter.

On return to my desk with my tea I found

So in fear that the culprit hadn't noticed the dropping 

Well good deed done I settled back into work. 

At 3 pm ish

At 3.50 ish

So I caught a train thinking a fine example of anything having uses,  even a mouse dropping. 


OK full disclosure,  there was a powercut across the town.  Our office decided it was a health and safety hazard as a fire alarm wouldn't work without power  so they sent us home.  Still, it could so easily have been the 'dropping. '

After that I sat in the garden in the sunshine with a lovely and unexpected G&T.


Waking up to the terrible news. My heart is with this beautiful, elegant,  quiet city. Last Tuesday I awoke in Manchester and enjoyed my wet but peaceful walk to work.

This city is not a London or a New York.  It doesn't have the crowds and bustle.  You can see how quiet the streets are from my pictures. 

Well I don't want to give the culprits more attention so will leave it there.

Bless you Manchester. 

Manchester, not by Sea

Dear reader,

I had the pleasure this week of visiting Manchester for work.  The majority of the time I was in a conference but did have the opportunity to see the city in the evenings and walking to the conference centre from the hotel.  I have to say that I do find this midlands city really very attractive.

Here are my pics and videos.  I will not spoil this with waffle.

First a video

pretty Manchester  

China Town

flower bed on the roof of the bus stop shelter

Canal Street in the rain

reminds me of New York

The bar of my hotel was once the phone exchange

Manchester is split into districts

A Cosmopolitan 

Gorgeous architechure.  This is a hotel I think

St Peter's square

Manchester has a sound, its the sound of trams and the tram hoots, in this video here

tram station at night

then it's time to leave  a video, again

And the Answer Is. ..

An exhaust pipe or tail pipe.

The other answer, the one to how to follow my blog, for which I have had questions recently, is that I have added the follow buttons now.  Wanting to follow me I find a particularly interesting form of punishment but each to their own.  However, you need to go to desktop view and you will see the follow options to the right. 

Extreme Parcelling

I have been known to wake in the night,  read a blog,  order something,  go to sleep,  forget about it and get a surprise from the postman a few days later. Nothing like this though.  This parcel is extreme.  

Watch it unfold on You tube.  click on the links

What has miss 22 gone and done now?

Did you guess?

The Fumigation of Me

Dear reader,  why should Mr Him with his guest electrocution,  Miss 22 with her visit to a racing car circuit have all the fun!

Throw in me being poisoned on a train and perhaps I will have caught up. Yes, I was close to being poisoned  by fumigation, and Mr Him was nowhere near.

Here's how the story goes, in pictures. 

Then I changed train for the cross country gentleman's train.


Thank goodness for paperwork!

Still, the train wasn't so wobbly. 


Dear reader,  I awoke Sunday morning to a text from Miss 22 saying she was passing Birmingham signs and heading north.  As we live in Sussex and I last saw her heading to bed this was no mean feat.

I asked her where she was going. Silverstone race track was the answer.  She added she 'wasn't going on the circuit'. Well that was a relief! 

Silverstone race track holds the UK grand prix.  This weekend it hosted a Japanese car rally thingy. 

Here are her  pics for you.

Flaming Grill and Other Tortures

Dear reader,  my garden welcomed tall and plentiful things on Saturday.  Firstly 10 relatives and secondly 10 foot tall bamboo.  The bamboo arrived first.  As for the relatives we were the 5 of us plus my mum, brother,  brother's wife, brothers wife's sister and her children.  Phew.  We were planning a bbq and luckily the weather was just about warm enough.

Mr Him made masses of potato salad and coleslaw.  

I made an Eton Mess for dessert.

 Others brought salads and puddings.  Sausages and ostrich steaks were bbq'd.

Guests were electrocuted,   burgers were set light to. All standard bbq fun when Mr Him is around. 

Electrocuted you ask.  Yes, apparently Mr Him thought they'd like it. Go figure!  It was a game called Shocking Roulette.  

The last one alive eats the bbq food, and puts out the flames, I hope. 

Anyway fun was had by all, mainly because there weren't many takers for the game.

The next day I provided Mr Him with a game.  It was called 'take on the bamboo and win'.  I sat and watched. 

Didn't he do well! He won.  Doesn't it look fabulous.  I'm so pleased with Him.