Easter Chocolate Dessert

How was your Easter or Passover, if you celebrate? We had a quiet but pleasant Easter. It was five of us at our house for lunch.

we like our gravy!   The puffy thing is a Yorkshire pudding.  The meat is in a bowl top left waiting to be served

 Often the weather is reasonably hot at Easter but this year it was  chilly. I debated a bit with myself on what to wear and ultimately chose a simple formula that worked for looking slightly dressed up but warm whilst being casual enough for the kitchen preparations.  

Mr Him cooked roast pork and trimmings and I made an apple and rhubarb crumble using ingredients from the freezer and cupboards so I was pleased with the economy. 

Miss 23, made an Oreo dessert.  She likes to make the video recipes that flash up on Facebook but I have linked a YouTube below for you.  It was funny hearing Miss 23 say 'it looks like its meant to!'  Don't we all feel that when it turns out right, haha.

This dessert was yummy and with the melted chocolate topping of dark chocolate it had a chocolate torte sort of  flavour. You know, that rich bitterness.  She will make it again.  I'll make sure of that.  Here's the recipe for your files.  It is a video recipe.

This is an abridged version. If you wish to see the full post including outfit ideas pop over to here

Introducing the Continental Drift Linkup blog hop

Wecome to our Continental Drift linkup! The reason we decided to have a dabble at a link up was that we thought that there are so many genre of bloggers out there that we could learn from that we decided to gather a knowledge and lifestyle share in one place once a month. On the first of the month we will host the Continental Drift. 

The concept for myself and my fellow hosts ( Bojana , Sydney Shop Girl ) is that we, the hosts, write a post about our life or life in general on our continent/Country/state over the past month and our favourite thing from the month. You as a linker can post on any family friendly topic that you like be it DIY, cooking, sewing, crafts, lifestyle, de-cluttering, RVing across Mexico or Alaska, moving house, fashion, style, beauty, make up. Your hosts to this linkup come from UK, Canada and Australia. 

Well, I'm from the UK so it falls upon me to write on my life here.  March has been the month when the cold war seems to have started once again. We are living a John Le Carre novel. The news every single day features the latest update on the poisoning of the former Russian spy and his daughter. 

Now I am sure that you have not delved into my blog for the life and times of James Bond or George Smiley so let's quickly move on but I would be interested to know whether this is in your daily news. 

Early March saw southern England, where I live, first see winter this year. Goodness knows why we are so out of sync but finally I was able to get into those warm jumpers and boots and kick that fluffy white stuff around a bit. Yes we had the arrival of the Beast from the East, and no, she is not the Beast from the East.  

The Beast from the East was not the poisoning episode either however apt.  It is the fond name we gave a snow storm that came from Siberia at the beginning of the month. 
It was my perfect opportunity to carry a kettle outside, which of course has to be done! 

March also sees Mothering Sunday in the UK or known more commonly now as Mother's Day. Yes we have to be different don't we! Now Mother's day brings me back to the beginning of this story, Zizzi, for wasn't it in Zizzi that John Le Carre re-visited started in March in the UK!

My oldest  daugher decided to take me out to lunch for Mothers Day and booked the Zizzi Mother's Day special (goodness there could be bad taste jokes galore, but I will refrain.)   One of my reader's the lovely Pouting Pensioner was quite horrified that I was in Zizzi a week after it's name was all over the news but then realised it was a chain of restaurants.

I also took my mother out for lunch so I am wrapping those two events as one for my favourite thing.  It was special to be taken out by my daughter of course but equally special was taking my mother out.  She has Neutropenia which is a non-existant immune system so as she says a cold could kill her in a week. She was very depressed after the diagnonsis and lived in bed.  I organised social care once a day for her and that motivates her to get up and dressed and so on every day.  So for her to enjoy a meal out and glass of wine is special.   

Mother's Day in the UK is actually Mothering Sunday and 3 weeks before Easter.  It is the day that apprentices and servants were allowed home to visit their mothers in centuries past.  I understand that before that it was a day for visiting the 'Mother Church' but we are going back to the 16th century. 

Now please do follow each of your hosts Bojana , Sydney Shop Girl and Mutton Style  on at least one platform (Instagram, Twitter or blog)and comment on their blogs.  It would be great if you could read and comment on the blog above yours in the link up.  You might make a new friend. 

Please do pop over to see how Bojana , Sydney Shop Girl have spent March on their continent.